Kratom Dosage Details – What Is The Right Kratom Powder Dose?
However, kratom is used for more than thousands of years, it is really hard to determine the correct dosage that you should take. What works perfectly for in might not work well for the other. The ancient habitats of the rainforest just picked a Kratom leaf and chewed it. But this is not practical at present. But with the technology at its peak, we can now purchase these Kratom powder online. But, even if it is so easy to get them you still do not have clarity in its dosage part. Read further to get a clear idea.
Effects of Kratom Dosages On Human Health
Taking the correct dosage of kratom will get you the best experience, which will highly strengthen your spiritual, mental and physical capacity. It does not matter whether you take Kratom powder as a relief for a medical condition or you just want to experience a legal natural high. The following are some of the things that you might experience with the first dose of Kratom.
• Relieves your anxiety
• Provides you a good source of energy
• Lowers your high blood pressure levels
• Makes you feel relaxed
• Makes it easier for you to concentrate
• Increases your sex drive and mood
• Makes you feel completely euphoric
Different Types of Kratom A Simple Guide
The names of the Kratom product differ from one country to the other but it is essential that you are aware of these terms. Knowing these terms you can easily figure out the dosage of Kratom to be used. However, this may vary depending on the quality of the kratom powder that you purchase. Also, the dosage may vary from product to product.
Super – This grade of kratom is particularly made from the largest leaves in the tree. These large leaves are filled with alkaloids, which makes this grade of kratom powder the most expensive of all.
Premium – This grade of kratom undergoes a sifting that separated the stems of the trees completely. This particular grade of kratom does not contain alkaloids. As a result, this is grade completely contains only high potent leaves.
Extract – This is an extremely potent form of Kratom. This grade involves the procedure of boiling the kratom powder to make a thick resin and then crushing it. This grade of kratom is very potent so the regular dose of kratom recommended will not be applicable for this grade. Adding regular kratom powder to this extract you get a product called Ultra Enhanced Kratom.
Best Kratom Products Info
As we see each kratom product will have a country name as suffix or prefix to its name. Mostly one countries kratom product is not more potent when compared to the other. But certain things from each region will have its influence on the dosage amount you take. While purchasing a kratom powder make sure all the label details are clear and ensure that you are buying the product from a trustworthy company. Online vendors provide us labels with clear information about the product which you can trust.
Information on Recommended Kratom Dosage
Now that you know how to buy a kratom product get ready for the experiment. Whenever you take certain kratom strain notice and tract your body response to the kratom powder. Not down the dosage of kratom that made you feel a particular way. The next time you take it you can mad if I the dosage and make it reflect the way you want to feel. You can increase or decrease the dosage as per your requirements.
In the case of super Kratom, take one to two grams of kratom to get a slight nudged feel. Take three grams of it for a light experience, add five grams for a stronger experience and eight to fifteen grams of kratom powder for an extremely powerful experience.
In case of premium Kratom, take two grams of the powder for a slight nudged feel, four grams of kratom for a light experience, five to ten grams of it for stronger experience and ten to fifteen grams of kratom for an extremely powerful experience.
While using Extract Enhanced Kratom, you can use one gram of it for a light experience, two grams of kratom for a stronger experience, three grams of the extract for a stronger experience and four to five grams of it for the most extremely powerful experience.
Negative Effects if you Use Too Much at A Time
The good part is that taking the right dosage of kratom will cause no harm to the body. Kratom has been used for more than thousands of years and has no evidence of problems caused. Obviously, if the dosage of kratom is mistaken you might experience a few unwanted side effects. This can cause nausea, lack of concentration, runny nose and feeling drowsy or sleepy.
However if you experience these symptoms just relax, take some rest and drink plenty of water. Obviously, you must stop using kratom powder for a few days, the effects will subside eventually. The next time you take kratom just modify the dosage so that you can experience the right way you expect it to feel.