Endurobol: Boost Your Strength and Endurance Levels
For endurance and stamina, choose Endurobol. This is the number one performance enhancement drug available and a favorite among athletes and bodybuilders. Originally, the drug was formulated to treat and prevent tumor formation in the prostate, breasts or the colon.
Considered by many as the ultimate endurance enhancing supplement, Endurobol enhances recovery, boost endurance level, and burn stored fat – more reason why it is popular among athletes and PCT.
How Does It work?
First of all, Endurobol is not a SARM, rather it is a Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPAR) agonist which binds to those receptors. So in the real sense, it works just like SARM. By enhancing your ability to push hard and for longer, your endurance level shoots up. So no matter how tedious the activity, you have no issue winding up anytime soon. Not only is this ideal for athletes but also for fitness enthusiasts. With Endurobol, you can work out for longer without getting tired.
Unlike stimulant, which sharply increases your heart rate and making you get tired rather easily and quickly, Endurobol does the exact opposite.
Benefits of Endurobol
- Boost endurance levels
- Increases HDL and lowers LDL
- Fat loss
- Protects against atherosclerosis
Just so you know the benefits go beyond athletics. It has been proven to reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes
How to Get the Most of Endurobol
Solo Use:
You can use Endurobol all by itself. The optimal dose is 10 – 20 mg per day. For optimal result, you should take it at least 2 hours before your workout. You’ll definitely see a major boost as you hit the gym.
During a Steroid Cycle
Trenbolone is infamous for reducing endurance levels due to an increase in inflammation in the body. For this reason, many people would stack in 20 mg of Endurobol to help increase endurance level. By doing so, they won’t get tired rather easily and faster while working out.
During a SARM’s Cycle
Endurobol can be used as your base in a SARM cycle. Apart from increasing endurance levels and cutting down on stored fat, you’ll not experience any severe side effect upon use. But make sure you stick to the recommended dose of 10 – 20 mg per day.
What is Endurobol Used For?
Though Endurobol is not a SARM, it does work like one. Here are some of the uses of Endurobol:
- Stimulates glucose uptake for increased energy
- Raises fat burning capacity
- Prevents muscle wastage when stacked with other SARMs
- Maintains blood flow to the brain
- Treating obesity
- Prevents oxidative damage to your heart and blood vessels
- Reduce kidney inflammation
- Improve wound healing
Potential Dangers and Side Effects
The thing is there are no reported side effects of Endurobol as of yet. It is believed to be safe for use for up to 6 months without any side effects when used in moderation. But that doesn’t mean it’s free of side effects. This drug has been touted to cause increased cell death in liver cells which ultimately leads to liver damage. But this is not proven yet as there is still no reported side effect. Generally, Endurobol is safe for use.